Daily readings for individuals in recovery from sex & porn addiction. These meditations provide 12-Step insights, sobriety tools and tips, lessons for successful recovery, and partner sensitivity. They combine the clinical guidance of a seasoned therapist with the wisdom received by walking a recovery path.

Sex Addiction, the Twelve Steps, and Therapy
by Timothy D. Stein and Patrick Carnes
Included in The Routledge International Handbook of Sex Addiction edited by Dr. Thadeus Birchard and Joanna Benfield.
This chapter explores the integration of twelve-step programs into clinical work with sex addicts. The authors start by discussing the origins of twelve-step programs and their evolution to include sex addiction. They then describe various sex addiction-specific twelve-step groups, highlighting their similarities and differences. This chapter then explores how to effectively integrate the twelve-steps into therapy, identifies significant milestones in the twelve-step program that benefit from therapeutic support, and discusses ways the recovery community can be used to support clinical work. (link to Chapter Summary)

Listening to Ourselves: Experiences and Advice from Sex Addiction Therapists in Their Own Recovery.
A professional article presenting and exploring the results of a survey of sex addiction therapists in their own recovery.

Thought for the Week
A weekly contemplation to guide sex addicts through their ongoing work of sobriety and recovery.

A collection of blogs that provide education and guidance to sex addicts in recovery.