
As a part of the Conversations on Sex, Addiction, and Relationships team, Tim enjoys sharing his knowledge, insight, and experience on a variety of subjects.
Conversations on Sex, Addiction, and Relationships – YouTube
Conversations on Sex, Addiction, and Relationships (podbean.com)

A podcast that educates about sex addiction and successful recovery for the addict and partner.
Willow Tree Counseling | a podcast by Willow Tree Counseling (podbean.com)

Tim Stein is interviewed about the benefit of a relapse autopsy by Carol the Coach on her weekly podcast. Relapse Autopsy http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sexhelpwithcarolthecoach/2014/07/01/what-should-you-do-when-u-relapsesexual-addiction-with-carol-the-coach
Tim Stein is interviewed about the importance of addressing shame and trauma as a part of recovery by Carol the Coach on her weekly podcast. Shame and Trauma http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sexhelpwithcarolthecoach/2014/03/25/shame-and-trauma-in-sexual-addiction-with-carol-the-coach
Tim Stein is interviewed about the importance of addicts finding an effective balance between focusing on their own sobriety and recovery work while also being aware of their partner’s experience. Partner Sensitive Treatment
Tim Stein is interviewed about using a partner sensitive approach in clinical work with sex addicts and the partners of sex addicts. Partner Sensitive Approach